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Sonic Monk Records

JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019 ~ Photobook

JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019 ~ Photobook

定價 NT$890.00 TWD
定價 售價 NT$890.00 TWD
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這是Kusunose先生最新的爵士喫茶店攝影集,本JAZZ KISSA 2015-2019攝影集是2014指南的延續,這美麗的攝影集系列展示了日本爵士喫茶店的美麗和獨特之處,Kusunose先生再一次充滿熱情的介紹了一共56間爵士喫茶店,一些新開幕的,一些大家已經熟悉的,本冊在製作及出版過程中因疫情而延遲,有一些喫茶店目前已經停止營業。


The latest Jazz Kissa photobooks by Kasunose-san. The Jazz Kissa 2015 – 2019 acts as a companion guide to the Jazz Kissa 2014 books. These beautiful photobooks showcase the beauty and uniqueness of the jazz kissa of Japan. The extensive, and passionate project, undertaken by Mr. Kasunose has brought us a collection of photographs of 56 jazz kissa of Japan. This rendition of the popular series showcases new jazz kissa, some familiar, and some that have recently closed. A fantastic book to browse while listening to your favorite jazz album.

Please note: This is a photo book. There is no large text, only small captions in English.

編輯/製作:Jazz City
出版:Jazz City
尺寸:寬210毫米 × 高278毫米

Editing/Production: Jazz City
Publisher: Jazz City
Dimensions: W210mm * H278mm
130 pages
